Personal Vision

There’s a lot I could be doing twenty years from now.  Many different career choices, life plans, and other variables lie in the way of my still very uncertain future.  But I do have a plan.  Maybe not a plan, but a dream with steps.  And at the end of this dream, lies a seaside restaurant with a big sign saying: “Simon’s Burgers”.  My dream is to own my own restaurant in the bay area that is a place for regulars and visitors alike.  A place with a friendly atmosphere that greets you with a relaxed nature and tasty meals.  As I said, a dream- with steps. These steps include college, work, sports, housing, the whole nine yards.

As I near the end of my high school days here at ACLC, I plan to continue my education at the University of California - Santa Cruz.  It is a very good college with the perfect atmosphere for me.  I want to major in business and minor in Kinesiology in the field of Physical Therapy.  I have always been interested in the way the body works while it’s doing work and my passion for sports only adds on to this interest.  My old Frisbee coach was also my biology teacher and whenever a player went down, he knew exactly how to deal with their injury.  I was so amazed by this, I immediately knew I wanted to know how to do that.  I would like to major in business because I think its important to know how businesses are run in order to open up my own.  This class will be a crucial step to the end of my dream.

While in school, I would like to work at a local restaurant in the kitchen as a cook.  I think experiencing every aspect of the restaurant world is important for me to understand so that my business can run smoothly.   Working as a cook will also sharpen my cooking skills and extend my knowledge of recipes and meals that benefit the tasty menu of my dream restaurant.  Working as a student and balancing out the classes with the schedule seems like a daunting task so I would like to experience the college life first and then when I feel comfortable enough, I’ll make that transition into the working world.  It’s important to take things one step at a time.  It’s a skill I learned throughout high school and something I wish I was better at now. 

My passion for sports started at a very young age and it has only grown since then.  I’ve come to appreciate all the sports that take true athleticism and coordination through trying and experiencing what it takes to be successful in each sport.  But my true love lies in the game of Ultimate Frisbee.  I have been playing for six years now and I know that I will continue to play until I can’t anymore.  UC Santa Cruz has a very competitive team and I will play with them and increase my knowledge of the game.  Frisbee has taught me many things and I feel like it should be honored in some way.  I think that naming my meals after certain plays and Frisbee lingo is the perfect way to do so.  Connecting my two passions for food and sports is good because I want other people to know how important it is to find your passion and pursue it to the fullest.

Living in the Bay Area isn’t easy because of the constant changes in the housing market, not to mention the ridiculous cost of living expenses.  My plan for housing is to live above my restaurant because my house would always smell good and I’d never have to be far away from work.  In my perfect, ideal world, I’d want to be married by this time and in twenty years have at least two kids, hopefully boys, that are smart and athletic.  My wife of course would be the same, and depending on how good the restaurant does, won’t need to work or will just work in the restaurant with me.  Certainly a fantasy but I’m allowed to indulge.  

This seems like a lot on my plate, but I think if I take this one step at a time, then this dream will become a reality before I know it.  But a successful business, championship ultimate team, smoking hot wife, and a wonderful family, those seem like some pretty nice things.  The dream won’t come without hard work and life lessons learned along the way.  Twenty years is far away, but time flies when you’re having fun, and that’s what I plan to do along the way!